Transport accessibility and civic amenities

Several buses will take you from Braník to Smíchovské nádraží [Smíchov Railway Station], where you can transfer to the “B”metro line, in just a few minutes. In the opposite direction, there is a bus connection to the Budějovická stop, where you can transfer to the “C” metro line. The bus journey to Novodvorská street is even shorter. Along the river there is a tram line to the centre of Prague and, in the other direction, to Modřany.
And if you prefer trains, you can board one at Branické nádraží [Braník Railway Station], and it will take you to Kačerov, Vršovice or all the way to Hlavní nádraží [Main Railway Station]. In the opposite direction, you can travel to Zbraslav, the Sázava river or all the way to Dobříš.
If you opt for a car, then the Jižní spojka [South Connecting Highway] will quickly take you to the opposite side of the city. In the other direction you can travel south, or you can use the Pražský okruh [Prague ring road] and other roads to reach west and north Bohemia.
Education, shops, services sport and relaxation
In Braník, don't look for large shopping centres and shopping opportunities; there's no need. Local inhabitants can purchase all products and services from traders in the area. Branická street is literally full of shops, restaurants and businesses of all kinds. From the project to the Přístaviště public transport stop it's just 10 minutes' walk, and along the way you'll find everything that's important. However, if someone requires shopping of a hypermarket character, there's nothing easier than a trip to the nearby shopping centres on Novodvorská street, and in Pankrác, Anděl and Chodov.
The educational options are also above-standard here. A half-dozen kindergartens, a primary school directly in Braník, and others in neighbouring districts which are reachable by public transport within 15 minutes. What's more, even in an area as small as Braník, you'll find many playgrounds where the little ones can entertain themselves.
You no longer have to look for leisure activities connected with physical exercise, or the classic way of entertainment, in other Prague destinations. You can find everything you can imagine directly in Braník or in its immediate vicinity. During our search, we stopped when we counted twenty recommended places within just 20 minutes' walk!